Writen by Angeliki Psatha, Scientific Head of the Pulmonology Department of ANASSA Clinic and Polyclinic

Smoking is not only a daily bad habit that takes the form of a real need, but is now considered to be a chronic relapsing disease, with high mortality. In fact, the smoker introduces into his body through inhalation, various products from the combustion of tobacco leaves.

This process creates a psychological as well as a physical dependence which shows differences from person to person, since it is related to the amount of cigarettes that each smoker smokes and the amount of nicotine that he inhales. Nicotine is the one that creates addiction in smokers but also has a negative effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

What does cigarette smoke contain?

In cigarettes we find the following harmful substances:

  • Nicotine, which is responsible for the addiction phenomenon in smokers
  • Tar which contains hundreds of carcinogenic compounds
  • Toxic substances
  • Carbon monoxide


  • 2,500 chemicals are contained in cigarette smoke before it burns
  • 5,300-7,000 chemicals are contained in the cloud of smoke produced when we smoke
  • 600 of the substances in tobacco are additives

Why does someone start smoking?

  • Social Influence/Fun: Teens say they started smoking because their friends smoked and were encouraged to try, especially during fun times
  • For testing
  • Why did the parents smoke
  • For acceptance by friends
  • To make someone feel big
  • Combination with other substances, such as coffee and alcohol
  • Feelings of anger / upset: There are people who smoke to be able to deal with some strong emotions they feel, such as anger and/or upset
  • Feelings of sadness / anxiety. Many young smokers believe that smoking will help them cope with negative emotions. But in reality, nicotine is a stimulant and brings exactly the opposite effects to the body
  • There is a myth that smoking brings pleasure, but often without the necessary importance being given to its bad consequences
  • Because the smoker thinks he can quit whenever he wants

Why does someone continue to smoke?

The importance of nicotine in maintaining the smoking habit has already been mentioned because of the dependence it creates. But there are other contributing factors, such as genetic, environmental and psychological.

Most smokers light a cigarette without even thinking about it, almost automatically. A smoking behavior is created and followed, e.g. they carry a package, adopt the smoking movement (mouth – hand), drink and coffee become synonymous with cigarettes, etc.

Nicotine addiction can be so fast that even the smell of coffee automatically stimulates the need for a cigarette. An inhibiting factor in quitting smoking is also the symptoms of addiction, e.g. nervousness, strong appetite, difficulty concentrating, etc.

What causes smoking (either conventional cigarettes or tobacco products)

Smoking causes serious damage to all systems of the human body. The products of the cigarette that are burned and the smoke produced, which the smoker inhales, carry inorganic and organic substances that are toxic to the human body. These substances are blamed for many and varied effects of long-term smoking, the main ones being:

  • Carcinogenesis, e.g. cancer of the lung, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, oral cavity, nasal cavity, urinary system, etc.
  • Damage to the lungs, e.g. emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, respiratory system infections, etc.
  • Vessel and heart damage, e.g. atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, peripheral vasculopathy, cerebral ischemia, etc.
  • Problems in reproduction, e.g. risk of miscarriage, difficulty conceiving, risk of ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Changes in our body after stopping smoking

After 8 hours, carbon monoxide levels in the blood will be halved

After 8 hours, oxygen levels will return to normal limits
After 72 hours, the bronchi dilate
After 2 weeks, blood circulation will have increased
After 3 months, improvements are observed in the circulatory system
After 3-9 months, lung functional efficiency increases by 10%
After 1 year, the risk of myocardial infarction is halved
After 5 years, the risk of stroke is the same as a non-smoker
After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer will be the same as that of a non-smoker
After 15 years, the risk of heart attack will be the same as that of a non-smoker.

The need to promote correct models of behavior to teenagers and young people in general is considered imperative. It should become the property of everyone that harmful habits such as smoking, specific eating habits, use of alcohol and generally harmful substances, etc., are risk factors for the health of the general population.

The well and properly informed citizen can follow those choices for his life that will be beneficial both for the health and safety of himself and his own people as well as his fellow human beings in general.

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