The World Health Organization (WHO), on the occasion of 200 years from the birth of Florence Nightingale (12/5/1820 – 13/8/1910), whose work set the foundations in the health system for modern care and patient care, has dedicated the year 2020 to nurses.

Initially, nursing was an art, which involved the execution of specific actions for the care of the patient with the help, mainly, of creativity and intuition. Over time, the art of nursing began to catch up with the science, with the result that nurses now have the ability to choose interventions that have the best chance of bringing about the desired outcome for the patient.
Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι, η Florence Nightingale  διατηρούσε αρχεία και στατιστικές αναφορές που ισχυροποιούσαν τις θεωρίες της για τη φροντίδα των ασθενών, πολλές από τις οποίες έχουν ισχύ ακόμη και σήμερα. 

The Nursing, which is taught at secondary, post-secondary and tertiary< /span> education, contributes decisively to the professional autonomy and satisfaction of nurses for more contribution to society, with the aim of promoting the good of health.

The nurses of ANASSA, even in the difficult and unprecedented situations due to the coronavirus, prove their professionalism, humanity and compassion to their fellow human being every day. With the aim of providing effective care, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, they are a strong team, ready to cope with even the most demanding situations.

All together we continue to fight for the lives of all of us!

We take care, we stay healthy to offer health!

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